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The Moghe Lab
(site Always under development)
Our lab has access to the following facilities:

* Standard molecular biology equipment
* Large lab area for experimental analyses
* Separate computational work area

Mass spectrometry
* Access to Thermo Q-Exactive Orbitrap instruments in the Biotechnology Core Facility and Boyce Thompson Institute

Plant growth

* Sanger sequencing (Cornell BRC)
* Illumina HiSeq 2500 (Cornell BRC)
* Illumina NextSeq 500 (Cornell BRC)
* Illumina MiSeq (Cornell BRC)
* PacBio sequencer (Weill Cornell)

* 2 high-performance workstations in lab
* Lab-specific NAS drive
* Lab-specific computing server
* Access to Cornell HPC
* Access to licensed software through Cornell IT
* Lab-specific growth area
* Growth chamber facility
* CALS greenhouse facility
* Access to Cornell field space
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